
Full mouth dental implants are a revolutionary solution for individuals with extensive decay, gum disease, or tooth loss.  This advanced prosthodontic technique offers patients in Houston a chance to improve their overall quality of life by enhancing their smile and oral function.  Read more to explore the benefits, procedure,considerations, and how to choose an implant dentist. We are a unique, patient centered practice in the Memorial City Memorial Hermann Medical Center. 

The Benefits of Full Mouth Dental Implants

Full mouth dental implants in Houston, Texas or full arch dental implants, including all-on-4 dental implants and implant supported dentures, provide many advantages over traditional removable dentures or other restorative options.  Some key benefits include:


1. Increased Stability and Chewing Ability:  Dental implants anchor the prosthetic teeth securely in the jawbone. offering stability by improving oral function such as chewing and speaking similar to natural teeth.


2 Appearance and Confidence:  Implant-supported restorations closely resemble natural teeth, resulting in a natural-looking smile and facial support.  This enhances your overall appearance and self esteem.


3.  Long-term prognosis:  Dental implants are designed to be a long-lasting replacement of teeth missing from dental disease.  With proper care and maintenance, they can last for many years, providing a beautiful and long lasting oral restoration.


4.  Preservation of Jawbone Support:  Implants can stimulate the jawbone in the same manner as natural teeth and prevent loss of supporting bone and facial support.

The Full Mouth Dental Implant Procedure

The full mouth dental implant procedure typically involves the following steps:

1.Initial Consultation and Exam:  This important step includes a review of your medical and dental history as well as your current oral health and suitability for dental implants.  Advanced digital imaging techniques such as cone beam computed tomography(CBCT) will be taken to accurately assess your dental condition and bone volume.

2.Treatment Planning:  Our office will work with each patient to determine an individualized treatment plan to provide a predictable outcome that meets each persons goals.  We consider factors including the number of implants and the type of prosthesis as well as the expected treatment time.

Implant Placement:  The titanium dental implants are surgically placed according to digital pre-planning so that their positions will maximize support for your restoration.

3.Bone healing:  Over an approximately 4 month healing period you will be provided with a temporary restoration as the bone fuses to the implants in a process called osseointegration. 

Osseointegration creates the strong support that is needed for your prosthesis.

4.Restoration Placement:  Once the implants have fused to the bone. the final customized prosthetic arch can be fabricated and ultimately securely attached to the implants.  We are careful to ensure proper fit, function, and esthetics of the restoration.

How to Choose a Full Mouth Dental Implant Office

There are a number of factors that can help you choose the best office for your full mouth dental implants.

1.Expertise and Qualifications:  When considering full mough dental implants in Houston, it is essential to seek a specialist with extensive experience in dental implants.  Board Certified Prosthodontists like Dr. Stankewitz have extensive training, and a long track record of successful implant treatment.


2.Technology and Techniques:  Choose our specialty practice because we embrace advanced technologies such as digital imaging, computer guided implant placement and compter aided design and manufacturing.


3.Patient Care and Comfort:  Consider our dental practice because we prioritize patient comfort, provide a welcoming environment, and personalize care for anxious patients through their treatment journey.

In Conclusion

Full mouth dental implants have revolutionized the field of restorative dentistry, offering a life-changing option for patients in Houston who require extensive tooth replacement.  With their ability to restore oral function with beautivul esthetics, and improve the overall quality of life, full mouth dental implants have become a sough-after treatment option.  By choosing Houston Prosthodontics, embracing advanced techniques and technologies and prioritizing patient care, Houston’s leading implant practice routinely delivers remarkable results and transform smiles throughout the city.




    The full mouth implant procedure is performed under conscious sedation to ensure a comfortable procedure. Post operative discomfort is usually mild and can be managed with oral medications. The prosthetic phase of treatment is usually painless.


    The treatment time to complete full mouth dental implants can vary depending on the individual.  It typically involves multiple stages including implant placement, at least a four month healing period. The overall treatment may take several months after implant healing is complete.


    Full mouth dental implants an excellent treatment choice for most patients, however there are some factors which increase patient's risk of failure.  These risks include lack of bone density or volume, poor overall health, and smoking.  It is important that a potential implant candidate be thoroughly evaluated for potential issues that could shorten the typical long term prognosis.


    Traditional dentures rest on and are supported by gum tissue.   The upper denture covers the roof of the mouth and some level of suction can be developed for retention.  It is generally not possible to develop suction in a lower denture because of the smaller surface area as compared to the upper.  Additionally tongue movement tends to upset the denture. Implant-stabilized restorations offer superior chewing ability and are more like natural teeth.


    Full mouth dental implants, also known as full arch dental implants or implant supported dentures, are a treatment option for patients who have lost all or most of their natural teeth.  This treatment involves a full arch prosthesis that is supported by multiple implants.